Monday, November 19, 2012

A Memoir To a Priestess Of Janus 3

Cmdr Ben with an eye for “point and kill” recognized her weak attempts at concealment even though he was amongst those who partook in brokering the traditional rites. Another victim? I care less now for the silver thread has been broken. Onome(of known repute) schooled her and was also schooled – birds of a feather flock together. But despite her past, she knew the value of family whilst as a priestess you had taken vows of destruction. The night shifts for work were her regular excuses and coming home braless was the height of indiscretion. My relationship with all the Godly women I knew were all banished by you and my attempt at being weak with April5 was used to pummel me and taunt my convictions and faith, nothing would trifle with that was the vow that goes with a relationship with the slain Lamb and so I cast off despite me knowing I was more of a positive support than the contrary which you implied. However great is the cost of commitment, priceless the gift of parenthood.
Your list of clients are endless – an uncontrollable passion for what belongs to others; Obiora Maduewesi, you gleefully and forgetfully let it slip in your many ribald jokes of how small his penile length was but notwithstanding that you solicited his amorous advances. I recall your nudity as you planned a clandestine tryst with him by virtue of his job as a pharmaceutical rep, offering to call in sick at work just to spend the day with him. Like Jezebel, you gave him no breathing space until you had destroyed his marriage even as you ‘counseled’ him and taken over his wife’s vineyard. Like the scalp hunters, you eagerly displayed his bloodied scalp on your belt even as he followed after you – a lost soul, promising to marry you whatever the cost.  Can a pig be removed from its self imposed grandiose of filth? Definitely not! But such was your ordination that you were and are destined but for one purpose and all who come in contact with you tag along with you to your end.

In Oghara, you were the choice of your lewd bosses – summoning you to their various locations so much that the staff of their resident hotels knew you at sight. Displaying your utter lack of decency, you would in addition, just like the serial killers avidly collect the mementos from their victims – shower caps, bath gels, shampoos, body lotions were so much in abundance that you would have become a profiteer in such merchandise. You were an object of such derision to your supervisors dedicated to their duties but an object of fun and use to those who recognized and acknowledged your wares. Jeroh displayed your welcome form of greeting – a hearty caress on your buttocks even in the full glare of your spouse. But no, your defense was it was your waist. Coming back disheveled and without underwear was a norm until an ultimatum was given so you took to taking a shower after immersing yourself in filth.

Without standards, the dangling scrotum of Mohammed appealed to you whilst he sought to make his living as a tailor and in your days of suspension for gross incompetence at the office – the Queen of hearts, as sordid as a brothel could only be became your office where you received your numerous clients. A shameless display of your nudity, like a sewer, you readily received and were engorged with the seed of many. Cliff, the gas man – cast his bulk on you and yet so cursed were you that you had no will to rethink even in your moments of lucidity. Variety was your trip, penile sizes mattered less because you are consigned to be destroyed. Casting aside with derision the pleas of the wise women to turn around, you laughed in their faces and used their homes as guises to fill up your diary and launch off to attend to the demands of your many clients. Still I watched, bound to a summons and a conviction that only grace could sustain. Your own seed you left unattended to and Her Protector kept her from being sexually abused as a child whilst you were in the throes of whorish passion.

Petty Steve, your liaison and pimp in Port Harcourt avidly set you up even as you ostensibly accompanied his girlfriend to visit him but on the side, you pillaged what was hers whilst consoling her about men. Ekaette was already your ally and whilst she struggled to keep what was hers, you persisted in your ways. Sworn to the ways of the maiden of the waters, like a bitch on heat, yours was uncontrollable. “Come and taste my waters, you called out on the streets!” Mopol Paul waited anxiously for you everyday – the highway check point was not too inappropriate for you either, yours was a destiny to carry out, a purpose to be served, an itch to be attended to. None was too low or too high for you. The corporate take-away snack of Zain dignitaries forthnitely ‘trainings’ were your means to meet the insatiable demands of the lewd managers and religiously you applied yourself even at the detriment of a daughter who never had a mother, a distraction and burden she would always be and peace will forever elude you neither will you ever enjoy the joy of a mother.

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