Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Memoir To a Priestess Of Janus 2

As Hosea, this was not just a lady of the streets but a connoisseur of the amorous advances of men, she plied me with tales of brushes of would be ‘rapists’ – Bede, an armorer for the black axe but he provided entrance through the back gates of the ivory towers where she mingled as a student and plied her craft as an artisan – a weekend call girl. From a home so shrouded with mystery, gaining access was like literally encountering cobwebs such as one encounters entering an attic or the cellar of a house on the hills. Professing a form of godliness, she counted herself as a cell leader of the clan ruled by the jerry curled ones and on her list was Osondu and Emeka, erstwhile leaders too whose houses she was summoned to satiate their needs as and when due.  Driven by anguish and desperation, an ultimatum was served by the matriarch ‘get engaged with one that year of 2005 or…..’. Azu sought after her with such passion that one would feel for him, but like others she strung him along and flitted in and out of his clutches almost driving him insane.

The street boys were not below her either, Paul the fisherman, illiterate but free with the funds that she so craved. The banking halls of Zenith and other banks  were for you to display your wares. “I don’t do relationship” was her admission but I pressed on with the tenacity of one burdened with a task to conquer and in answer to that subtly asked question by His Spirit. “I am a free spirit” was another admission and the matriarch who like the feral mysterious predator with the vision of the prey in sight, hastily chastised her.  She definitely would not let this one out of her grasp and she subtly applied the screws to a wayward Ada. Like the proverbial mbe (tortoise) she set in motion the wheels in the background for it was pertinent that yet again she needed to foist off this liability as quickly as possible before such grief would befall her shrouded empire. A patriarch who bellowed like an empty drum, he was hers to command and was already being tooled by his partner.

The bells chimed and the wheat were pressed to task as they watched with amusement who the unwitting one was, a fraud of such gargantuan proportions that the priestess’ sister was so bothered that she called a night to the big event “Do you really think you know my sister? She is an artful dodger!” What an understatement indeed for all of her siblings were already in her clutches and she manipulated them as she deemed fit but an effort she did make in all fairness and Star Asana I applaud you.  But truly the ways of God are like foolishness in the eyes of the unbelieving and seeking to explain them would cause much weariness of the bones for understanding and conviction must emanate from the heart.  “See who is getting married o?” Aunty Chi exclaimed as I went to fulfill all courtesies but already I knew that the secret to the ordination of the priestess would begin to be unraveled from the secondary place of upbringing.

The journey began, on a very rocky note as she insisted on being ‘disvirgined’ that matrimonial night lest the fabricated hymen lose its potency.  That was indeed my first hearing of Postinor2, a tool of her trade that she could even prescribe it better than certified pharmacists! I believed God for the best confident that He would not let me go having brought me this far. My first act of impropriety was on account of her because of my self creed to always improve the other person. A false NYSC discharge was procured to match her already fraudulent credentials – including an EFE list of results that would make an ‘Efe’ cringe in shame, an SSCE and GCE result that could not provide a basic 4 credits but for a priestess, ‘you use what you have to get what you want’ was but one of her philosophies. My first task was to replace her already worn amulet which got lost on account of my declaration and which should have provided an avenue for conversion but alas, giving is always better than receiving. James spoke so vehemently against it because he already saw through you but even him could not understand the ways of the Lord.  For the just shall live by faith and truly trust Him to always see one through.

CJ facilitated her obtaining all her false certificates, for services received in advance, that come with the exit from a tertiary place of study so armed she was but not before delivering on the mandate from her guardians “give us a grandchild, you are the Ada so as to pave the way for the others to follow”.  A charming gift of virtue and righteousness the Sovereign One sent to aid my tenuous walk and to ensure I lose not faith in the beauty of His Creation; Eve. Brash and uncouth, I tutored her for her first job interview and the favor of God went along and opened that door which as usual became her highway of filth. In Oghara, away from seclusion, she despised the pride of motherhood and became an object of derision to the decent colleagues but to Prince & Bertyl, a match made in hell – swapping porn movies and guffawing to ribald jokes and uncensored chats. The work place became the perfect cover for atrocities that made Ada and Mrs Eju cringe in disbelief, for these were wise women who knew the value of family. Like the priestess she was, every act of correction was seen as an affront and dealt as such. Ridiculing them at every instance and magnifying their weaknesses.

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